Some Interesting Facts about Hot Cross Buns

No matter if you are a kid or an older person, the love for Hot Cross Buns is incomparable. Precisely, these delicious buns are everyone's favourite regardless of their age. This delectable, warm, mouth-watering, and toasted Easter treat is filled with butter that melts in the mouth. Generally, people start buying Hot Cross Buns during Christmas, but this treat is apt for every special occasion, including Easter, Good Friday or any other special day. No problem, if you can't wait for the special occasion because you can eat them whenever you want to.

Do you know what makes them novel and worth trying? The subtle combination of great ingredients, including yeast, sugar, salt, flour, shortening, lemon peels, currants, a balanced proportion of spices, and orange peels, adds marvellous flavour to these buns. The professional baker pipe these peels with a batter to create a cross shape on the top of hot cross buns.

Nevertheless, it is always preferable to choose the top-notched and well-reputed cake shop in your area that prepares impeccable buns at excellent prices. You can take help from the internet as the internet is the best source to find the premium-quality cake shops/bakeries in your area. Also, make sure the chosen cake shops provide the facility of delivering hot cross buns at your doorsteps as it makes it more comfortable for you to enjoy this dessert without jumping out of your home.

The current discussion is quite interesting as it intends to highlight some interesting facts about hot cross buns. We are sure that not everyone knows about these appealing facts.

Interesting Facts about Hot Cross Buns

As mentioned earlier, this particular sweet and balanced spice bun is made of raisins and currants. The top of this bun's unique mark is its speciality and makes it different from the other buns available in the market.

• There is an old tradition to eat these lip-smacking buns on Good Friday. Usually, people from Ireland, New Zealand, India, Canada, United Kingdom, the Caribbean and South Africa eat them on Good Friday to double the joy and merriment of a particular occasion.

• The majority of the Christian countries eat toasted and hot buns before Ash Wednesday until midday Good Friday.

• Previously, the shortcrust pastry was used for creating a cross on the bun's top. But now, the chefs have introduced great fusion in the recipe as flour and water paste is an ideal choice to create a cross on the top of the bun.

• Mazanec is considered similar to Hot Shot bun, but this sweet bread (Mazanec) is eaten during Easter time in the Czech Republic. So, both of these desserts are different from one another and have different taste.

Do you know when it’s the national Hot Cross Buns day? Well, it is celebrated on 11th September when people appreciate the existence of this startling dessert. Honestly, you can eat this bun every day is the best day to enjoy amazingly baked buns.

Unusual Superstitions about Hot Cross Buns

We have collected some surprising yet interest superstitions for you.

• Sharing hot cross bun with someone else means you both are close friends for the year. Especially, sharing half-bun indicates strong companionship among people.

• Indeed, it sounds eccentric, but a few people don't eat a hot bun without kissing it. For them, it is necessary to kiss a bun as the bun has a cross on its top.

• Do you know the purpose of the cross on the top of this bun? Interestingly, the ultimate aim of adding a cross on the bun's top is to keep the evil spirit at bay. That's why people eat it on Good Friday to ward off evil energy and to welcome the positive vibes.

• Hanging a bun inside a kitchen provides excellent protection from the fire. Also, hanging it in the kitchen makes your bread rise correctly. However, it is imperative to replace a stale bun with a new bun each year.

Have We Missed Any Fun Fact?

So, which of the fact mentioned above is truly funny and interesting? Indeed, they all are worth reading. Besides, the superstitions are quite fascinating. Imagine, sharing half-bun can make you someone's friend for a year.

Honestly, the ultimate objective of this exciting discussion was to enhance your knowledge about hot cross buns. Also, we intended to highlight some surprising and alluring fun facts about this sweet spiced bun.

Again, it is suggested to opt for the most delicate cake shop or a bakery to get the unimpeachable hot cross buns. This way, you can enjoy the best buns without compromising the quality standards.

Let us know if we have missed any unique fun fact about hot X buns. We will enlighten them in further discussions.

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